Welcome to the world of Human Design! There’s so much you can learn that it might feel overwhelming, but it doesn’t need to be. Here are some steps you can take to start your Human Design journey:
- Create your Chart: If you haven’t already, you’ll want to create your Human Design chart to know your properties, particularly your Type, Strategy, and Inner Authority.
- Sign up for our free ebook—Discover Your Design—at the bottom of this article. The ebook and accompanying email series will give you a thorough introduction to Human Design and the foundational elements of your chart.
- Explore our What is Human Design?, Free Media Library and Articles: You will find articles, and audio and video recordings of Ra Uru Hu discussing various Human Design components and properties—you can find plenty of content related to your chart here too.
- Sign up for a free myBodyGraph.com account to learn about your Human Design Chart from Ra Uru Hu through an interactive BodyGraph analysis service.
- If you’re interested in having a trained and certified professional analyze your Human Design Chart, you can find a complete list here at the International Human Design School (IHDS). If you are unsure who to select or have questions about this process, please contact the IHDS office (office@ihdschool.com) for more information.
Explore the teachings of Ra Uru Hu: Jovian Archive hosts over 500 hours of educational material on every topic imaginable. Once you are ready to explore a specific topic, browse the Human Design shop or use the Search field to narrow your search.