To print a chart, you can either use the File - Print command from the main menu or click the chart image with the right mouse button and choose Print from the context menu.
The Print Dialog window will appear, allowing you to set the printer settings and choose the print layouts you wish to use.
The available print layouts depend on the chart type, and the Edition of MMI2 used. They are displayed on the left-hand side of the Print Dialog window.
To select the desired print layouts, check the corresponding checkboxes.
Clicking on the text of each option will display a preview of the layout on the right-hand side.
Once you have selected the desired print layouts, click the Print button to start the printing process.
The Print Dialog window will close, and a Progress dialog will keep you informed of the printing progress.
If you choose more than one print layout, they will be queued and printed one after the other.
You can continue using MMI2 while printing is in progress.
Setting the Printer Settings
To modify the printer settings, click the Printer Settings button at the bottom left of the Print Dialog.
You are free to modify the print settings but note that changing the print resolution might trim the printed page.