To save a chart, use the File - Save command from the main menu.
A folder tree will be displayed, allowing you to specify the folder in which you wish to save the chart.
To specify a folder, click on it and then click the OK button.
If you do not select a folder, the chart will be saved on the tree's root.
Save As
If you wish to save a copy of an existing chart without overwriting the original, use the File - Save As, which will allow you to give the copy a different name.
Saving chart images
To save a chart as an Image, you can either use the File - Save as Image command from the main menu or click the chart image with the right mouse button and choose Save as Image from the context menu.
The Save As dialog window will appear, prompting you to choose the location where you wish to have the image saved.
The default name assigned to the image is typically the chart's name, but you can choose to modify it.
Image Formats
By default, MMI2 saves chart images in the PNG (.png) format, which is supported by all operating systems and offers high-quality graphics in a manageable file size.
Other available formats are Bitmap (.bmp) and Jpeg (.jpg).
To change the image format, use the Save as Type drop-down menu at the bottom of the Save As dialog.