MMI2 users can set various user preferences affecting how MMI2 operates.
The specific preferences depend on the edition of MMI2 being used.
To set your preferences, use the Tools - Preferences command to launch the Preferences Dialogue.
General preferences
* MMI2 initial chart option.
Users with a suitable license can set MMI2 to calculate and display a composite Transit Chart for themselves or any other Rave Chart in their library. The default (and the only option for users without a suitable license) is to have MMI2 display a Just Now chart on startup.
* MMI2 initial window option.
Users can choose to have MMI2 start in a maximized window (full screen) or a standard window.
Places preferences
* Default country.
Using the country drop-down menu, users can select a specific country as their default country and then, whenever required to specify a birth location (such as when creating a new Rave Chart), omit the country name and use only the city name. This setting can be useful when most of the charts you generate are for people from a single country.
* Favorite Places.
Here users can view and edit their list of favorite places, which are shortcuts to a birth location that can save typing (e.g. ldn = London, United Kingdom etc.)