The Rave Time is an MMI2 utility that lets users have a 'Rave Clock' on their desktop, showing the current chart and planetary positions.
Rave Time operates independently from MMI2 and can be set to start whenever you start your computer.
To launch Rave Time (if it does not start automatically), use the Tools - Rave Time command from the main menu.
Understanding Rave Time
The Rave Time window comprises the bodygraph and the corresponding planetary data.
Each planet is marked by its symbol and the Gate and Line it is in currently.
On the outer edge of the Rave Time window, the green Line Progress bars show the progression of the planet's movement within the Line.
Using Rave Time
To move the Rave Time window around the screen, click on it and drag it.
Clicking on it with the right mouse button will bring up its context menu.
Click the Refresh Chart item to recalculate the current chart.
The Minimize to tray item will hide the Rave Time window. To restore it to the screen, go back to the Main Menu > Tools > Rave Time. Or choose the icon from the toolbar.
Configuring Rave Time
To configure Rave Time choose settings from the context menu to display the Settings form.
The settings include:
* Start Rave Time with Windows: attaches or removes Rave Time from the Windows startup list.
* Keep Above All Other Windows: The Rave time Window always appears above open windows so it cannot be hidden.
* Notify Me When Planets Change Line: When this option is on, a tooltip balloon will appear whenever one of the planets moves into a new Line. This notification will be displayed even if the Rave Time window is minimized or hidden.
* Refresh Rave Data Every... this interval setting controls how often Rave Time calculates the chart on display.
Important Note
Even though Rave Time works independently from MMI2, it is only functional if you have a suitable edition of MMI2.